Final Tips To Help You Nail The Perfect Outfit On Your First Date

Now that you’re primed and ready with your outfit, let’s do one final check to make sure you don’t fall prey to one of these tried and tested outfit first date faux pas’!

What NOT To Wear On A First Date


  • Wear something you’ve never worn before.

  • Wear something that you’re not sure you’ll be comfortable in.

  • Wear something that you know doesn’t fit you in a way that feels good.

  • Wear clothes that don’t make you feel like yourself.

Since the only way to come up with the perfect outfit for a date is completely unique and individual to you and your circumstances, remember to stick to these basic rules of thumb:

What TO Wear On Your First Date


  • Wear an outfit that you’ve already worn before.

  • Wear an outfit that you know you’re going to be comfortable in.

  • Wear clothes that draw out your personality and your confidence.

  • Bring out your A game & wear something that represents how you want to be seen.

By now you should have all the secret keys to know exactly what to wear on a first date - and crush it! In sum, be yourself, show that you care, wear what’s most comfortable, pick an outfit that reflects how you want to be seen, and select clothes that function well in the climate and environment of your date. The result? You’ll feel amazing and you’ll knock your date's socks off!

Still Not Sure What To Wear On Your First Date?

If you’re still a bit lost and confused about your first date outfit, that’s perfectly normal. This is a big moment for you, and you deserve to look and feel amazing. Need more personalized style guidance for your first date or want to take your style game to the next level?

One of the best ways to do this is to start with a color analysis and to develop a signature style. When we invest in ourselves, we see some of our greatest results. When you get customized, personalized, professional styling advice you ensure that you make the impact you desire, and more importantly that you get the results you’re hoping for - more confidence, joy, and opportunities in your life. 

I have seen time and time again, what a massive impact a style transformation can have on a person’s life. Working with a professional stylist can help you influence people, make more money, create stronger and more intimate relationships, and help you grow into the person you want to be. It is my recommendation that you work with an image stylist if you’re not getting the results you want on your first date, or in life!

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What to Wear on a Casual First Date?