What To Wear On A First Date

Are you going on a date and you want to make an amazing first impression but…you’re stuck because you don’t know what to wear? All of the sudden everything in your closet doesn’t fit or looks awful. Even worse, the outfit you originally planned doesn’t make sense for the venue you’re meeting at and you’re not sure you’ll be comfortable in it. Your room is a mess and you’re feeling frustrated and confused. You are interested in your date, and you want to make a good first impression, but now what? This is a common and stressful scenario. So many people miss out on a possible connection, simply because they misrepresented themselves in their first impression. 

Did you know that a potential partner will develop a first impression of you before you even open your mouth? Depending on your image, that could be good news or bad news. 

Research has proven that appearance has a massive impact on how people see you. Do you appear weak, insecure, undependable, promiscuous, or self-obsessed without even knowing it? Is your presence powerful, a reflection of stability, masculinity, femininity, trustworthiness? 

The hard truth is that if you don’t know how to manipulate your appearance to make the impression you desire, you’re at a huge disadvantage on the dating scene. Nonetheless, there are some powerful insights you can consider when selecting your look to give yourself the maximum advantage in any dating scenario. The good news is that it is possible to control someone’s first impression of you…by changing your behavior, and your appearance. 

In this article, we’ll go over what not to wear on a first date and what to wear on a first date, in order to make a powerful and positive first impression…and hopefully, score another date!

What NOT To Wear On A First Date

Let’s get down to it. What should you not wear on a first date? Firstly, every date is different, and so is every person. There is no plug-and-play rule book to making a knock-out first-impression, because it depends on who you are, your culture, your circumstances, and the environment. However both men and women can stick to some basic rules in order to avoid an image and look that doesn’t work.


What to Wear on a Casual First Date?


What Should a Guy Wear On a First Date?